Species of Odonata – Dragonflies and Damselflies – can be found in any of the aquatic habitats in the Newbiggin area from April to October. The Road Pool and SUDs pool of site 5 have been particularly productive over the years. The Mound and the wet areas of the golf course can also be good.
15 species of Dragonfly and Damselflies have been recorded in the Newbiggin area of the 24 species found in the North East of England. Some of these are migratory species and will only occur during irruption years.
The Odonata are popular with bird watchers as their arrival generally occurs during the quieter months for birdwatching. Also, they are “large”, colourful and very photographable.
Records include:
Emerald Damselfly
Lestes sponsa
Large Red Damselfly
Pyrrhosoma nymphula
Azure Damselfly
Coenagrion puella
Common Blue Damselfly
Enallagma cyathigerum
Blue-Tailed Damselfly
Ischnura elegans
Migrant Hawker
Aeshna mixta
Southern Hawker
Aeshna cyanea
Emporer Dragonfly
Anax imperator
Four-Spotted Chaser
Libellula quadrimaculata
Broad–Bodied Chaser
Libellula depressa
Common Darter
Sympetrum striolatum
Black Darter
Sympetrum danae
Black-Tailed Skimmer
Orthetrum cancellatum
Red-Veined Darter
Sympetrum fonscolombii
Ruddy Darter
Sympetrum sanguineum
(Ruddy Darter and Large Red Damselfly were recorded at Ashington Community Woodlands, QE2 Country Park
and “Dougie’s Pond”, neighbouring sites west of the
Newbiggin sites).
The Irruption of Red-Veined Darters (July 2009) is
detailed in the Bird guides article; “Red-Veined Darters
in Northumberland”