Home Wildlife Mammals


Many species of the Mammals occurring in the UK have been recorded in and around Newbiggin by the Sea. Actually seeing them is another matter and it is a case of being in the right place at the right time. Most sites are in close proximity to housing and most mammals are sensitive to and easily disturbed by people and dog walkers. The larger mammals such as Roe Deer are particularly vulnerable to poachers.

A Bank Vole
by Derek Bilton

The photographs used to illustrate this section were all taken in North East England but not at Newbiggin. Photographing Mammals requires exceptional field craft and site knowledge.

If you want to see Mammals such as Otters and Red Squirrel in Northumberland contact Martin Kitching of Northern Experience Wildlife Tours. Martin has extensive knowledge of the local sites and is an experienced photographer.

Mammals recorded in and around
Newbiggin by the sea includes;


Otters have been recorded in the Bay at Newbiggin and on the rocks and kelp at the Church Point. They are regularly reported foraging early morning at the Church Pool and Road Pool watercourses in the Woodhorn area. There are no records of Holts in these areas.

A family of Otters
by Hector Galley

Otters have been breeding recently at the weir pool in the Wansbeck estuary providing good views during daylight hours.

In the neighbouring area, Otters are regularly recorded in the Nature Reserves around Druridge Bay.


Badgers are occasionally reported foraging in the fields and wetlands to the West of the village. There are known Badger setts just north of the Newbiggin area.

Roe Deer

Family groups of Roe Deer are regularly seen moving through the fields and wetlands west of the village.


A Roe Deer
by Derek Bilton


Foxes are widespread. Foxes have been reported in urban surroundings and across all sites.

The Ash Lagoon site, which is fenced off and inaccessible to the general public holds a large population due to the high density of Rodents (Mice, Voles & Shrews) populating the extensive grasslands.

A Fox
by Derek Bilton

Brown Hare and Rabbits

Rabbits are found across all sites. Brown Hares are recorded in the arable fields and wetlands in the North and West of the village.


A Brown Hare
by Derek Bilton






Red Squirrels

Red Squirrel can be seen locally at the nearby QE2 country park and grounds of the Woodhorn museum, sometimes on the bird feeders. Red Squirrels have been recorded at Woodhorn Church and the Western boundary of the Ash Lagoons. The population is small and dwindling in the East of the county.

A Red Squirrel
by Derek Bilton

Stoats and Weasels

Occasional sightings of both species across all sites. A Stoat was recently recorded hunting out on the Beacon Point rocks! It is not unusual for the golfers to be interrupted by a Stoat chasing a rabbit across the golf course.


There are known Bat roosts in the area. Common Pipistrelle roost in small numbers at Spital House farm and Daubenton’s at Woodhorn.

Other species recorded foraging across the sites include; Soprano Pipistrelle and Common Noctule. Nathusius Pipistrelle is recorded regularly at nearby QE2 country park and it is likely that they forage around the pools and wetlands at Woodhorn. There is a record of a Nathusius Pipistrelle flying in off the sea at the golf course, being collected by a bat expert and released back into the wild a few days later!